The First Ever Mutual and Fraternal Company

Field Marketing Organization

Why SMART Favors Mutual and Fraternal Insurers and NOT Stock Companies

Matt Zagula, Founder, SMART Advisor Network:

An Organization Built by a Producer for Producers, Like You

The SMART Advisor Network grew from frustration towards the marketing organizations, turnkey Investment Advisory Platforms and the Broker Dealers all pushing their "one plan fits all" approach to retirement.

With Smart Advisor Network's DO-IT right (Debt, Obligations – Income & Taxes) approach to building a successful retirement plan; the SMART Advisor Network was born and resources were created, at a significant cost, to help advisors, looking for a step by step approach, plug into this proven planning process.

What's most important?

We’ve gone way beyond relying on rating agencies and paid for a world class education on counter-party risk and mitigating it by focusing our product selection on Mutually structured companies. Something other FMOs have never done. Instead placing greater value on the dollars earned by them on your transactions over the safety of your clients.

UN-like the typical marketing organization where neither the leadership nor their employees ever placed annuities, life insurance or retirement plan products at Smart Advisor Network the mentors and Matt never left “the field.”

We never stopped serving clients and they never even started.

Introducing the TSR Ratio and Our Forensic Accountant Tom Gober

CLICK HERE To Learn About The TSR Ratio Directly From Tom Gober

Learn more about our SMART Advisor Tools training

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