SMART Resources

About the SMART Advisor Tools Training

Typical Marketing Organizations today rely on their employees to train you.
Employees who have NEVER sold an annuity, life insurance or retirement plan.

Some agents try to "buy" systems from promoters and shady marketers who have no interest in their success beyond their purchase.

The Smart Advisor Network relies on its tool section and the continued use of these tools by our mentors and founder. When you join the Smart Advisor Network you don't pay for the system or the training.

The Smart Advisor Network believes in PEOPLE. To help the masses of Americans desperate for good financial guidance we focus on you the ethical and principled producer in the field. We offer the training and resources that you need to grow and be increasingly successful.

We get behind you, support you and guide you so you can help people in your area succeed with SMART.

Become A Smart Advisor

resources built for you to help you build your business:

Become A Smart Advisor

carefully developed smart conversations that lead to powerful prospect presentations

based on the needs of your new prospect.

debt free 4 life™

Help your prospects and clients eliminate debt and remain debt free for life!

secure income 4 life™

The "game" that changed the retirement income planning game. For the first time explaining true diversification becomes easy, fun and engaging (especially on a zoom meeting).

tax smart 4 life™

Big IRAs come at a big cost, these days, post the SECURE Act – learn how SMART advisors pay inevitable taxes at an attractive discount.

smart planz, llc

Does your current marketing organization have an actuary on their team ready to go to work for you? Members of the Smart Advisor Network do. Use our actuary, as your own, to impress and address high net worth prospects concerns, business, pension and tax aware planning issues.

tax what if

Tax What If Need help crunching the tax numbers? No problem we have you covered use our tax analyst, as your own, to make sure what you show to your prospect is accurate!

social security selection

Want help providing the optimal selection strategy? Forget fumbling through reports on software you don't use every day. Instead use our expert, as your own. She's been named "America's top social security specialist" by Ed Slott and recognized as such by countless financial publications.

forensic accountant

Our duty to our clients goes beyond ratings – at our expense we pay America’s top expert in insurance company forensic analysis. Ignorance can’t get our clients their money back so investing in the truth helps us help our clients make wise counter-party risk decisions.

hands on training

Our founder, Matt Zagula, will personally train you. After, the SMART mentors will be there to lend a hand, work on case design and guide you through to smart success.

joint case work with top advisors

These mentors will work with you early in your SMART journey so that you see the SMART selling system in action.

product review

When you start with the Network you'll learn directly from the same Forensic Accountant used in the AIG criminal case what risk you may be subjecting your clients to with the carriers you currently use for life insurance and annuities. When appropriate better counter-party risk options will be presented to you that offer great price value to your clients without sacrificing the financial solvency needed to keep their promise to your client.

tech talk tuesdays

Hear from one of our mentors, on live zoom meetings, about a successful case, a new marketing approach or a sales idea that is working for them in the field.

performance coaching

We’ve retained the top performance coach from Los Angeles, California. She is Matt’s personal mindset and performance coach. She will guide you through exercises to build your sales IQ, confidence and build your business intuition. This powerful program of self-discovery and development is available NO where else.

no bs compensation

Our policy is simple: MAX to YOU, the producer or agency owner, at every available production band. We believe marketing reimbursement is an admission of UN-fair compensation. We pay you the MAX at all times … not give you back a “piece” of what you’ve already earned then insult you and make you earn it twice AKA #FakeReimbursement!

managed marketing services

Want to learn how to generate leads on LinkedIn? The Smart Million Dollar Program will keep you busy with appointments from targeted prospects. Best of all, there is NO additional ad spend just leads from authentic marketing.

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